Thursday, 3 January 2019

Healthcare Marketing Trends: 2019

What is Marketing? Simple!! "Consumer /Customer is the Heart of Business". Junk all your formulae you know and start discussing about the connect between your customer and business (Heath-care in this case).

Marketing is 'COMMON SENSE' accompanied with 'POWERFUL CONCEPTS' delivered with 'RIGOUR'.

1) Improve patient's experience: Ask your patients/customers, dig deeper.... read reviews etc. Identify the patterns. Provide them a 'wow' experience as it is the best opportunity to build brand.

2)Insights: More deeper insights, ask your digital team to make presence beyond advertising/ppc(in health apps or etc.) observe/study the insights, use google trends/insights/console/analytics or any other tool and fetch data about your customer(age/education/job/gender/locality/keywords etc.)

3) Train your Frontline Staff: Apart from the Doctor, train your frontline staff(nurses/attendants/receptionist etc.) who are directly in contact with the patients, improve their inpatient and outpatient experiences. Waiting room is a perfect place to talk and know them better(use their time)

4)Content: Start writing and educate people on public health/heath topics. Start working with local health communities and help their people to stay healthy. The way to go is to publish more and gradually you will see positive results.

5)Use of Google/Facebook/ any other platform: the beauty of digital marketing is it can be easily optimized. Each platform has their weakness/strengths, improve and keep optimizing your ads till you don't the desired result. Make easy for the people to find you, no matter on which platform they are.

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